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Will, Trust and Probate

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Will, Trust and Probate

Making a will in an increasingly digital world

Lisa Kingston
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It has never been more important to consider our digital assets when planning for the future. In a world where we are increasingly reliant on cloud accounts to store our data and information and where our transactions and interactions are increasingly...

Why Martin Lewis says you should have a Power of Attorney

Lisa Kingston
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More important than a will In an episode of The Martin Lewis Money Show earlier this year, the founder himself stressed the importance of having a Lasting Power of Attorney. Having had his POA since his thirties, Martin Lewis CBE...

Was Benjamin Franklin right about death and taxes....

Lisa Kingston
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…. being ‘the only things certain in life’ ? Perhaps he was, but we’d like to throw ‘change’ into the mix. When talking death and taxes, you’d be forgiven for thinking that your will ticks those boxes, yes? But...

The Dangers of DIY Wills; #2 - Invalid changes or amendments

Susan Howarth
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Short term savings, long term pain Historically, many people have put off writing a will for fear of the costs involved but more recently the cheaper alternative option of the DIY will has emerged as a growing trend. These wills are readily available via...

How Covid-19 is hammering home the importance of a will

Susan Howarth
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Life, but not as we know it We live in unprecedented times. Anxious times. Strange, dark and difficult times. Pandemic, social distancing, isolation, lockdown, ‘essentials only’, PPE, homeschool, furlough - these are the words we have come to...

New year, new decade - how has your life changed in 10 years?

Lisa Kingston
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Now and then… Heard about last year’s social media ’10-Year Challenge’ trend? If you’re not ‘in the know’, the craze, also known as “glow-up challenge”, "2009 vs 2019" or "How Hard...

Solicitors: 5 top tips on picking the right one

Susan Howarth
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The good times and the bad times Life is a funny old business, full of ups and downs and with many a curveball thrown in when you least expect it. You might be planning your wedding, buying your dream home or making a will to provide for your children....

The Dangers of DIY Wills: #1 - Witnessing

Susan Howarth
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Bargain Hunters Beware We all love a good bargain! Whether it’s hitting the sales, a steal on eBay or raiding the reduced section at your local supermarket, nothing beats that feel-good ‘win’! And there’s no doubt that the old...

What will happen after Dinah and Lisa Dingle die?!

Susan Howarth
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Death unites the soaps again… We all love a meaty storyline, but there sure is a morbid thread linking our favourite soaps at the moment. What with Dinah in EastEnders, Liz Dingle in Emmerdale and rumour of a popular character soon to croak in...

Pets named in Wills: like Karl Lagerfeld, are you 'feline' the love?

Susan Howarth
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Pampered pet In the wake of fashion industry icon Karl Lagerfield’s death , his beloved pet cat is reportedly set to inherit a significant chunk of the Chanel Creative Director’s £150million fortune . In an interview with French...

It's time to talk about dementia and make plans

Lisa Kingston
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... before it’s too late. FACT: 1 in 3 will develop dementia Dementia might not be the most jovial of topics - thinking or talking about it, let alone planning ahead for its possibility by means of a lasting power of attorney (LPA), makes a lot of us...

Getting married? Beware of accidentally disinheriting your kids

Susan Howarth
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Children come first For many of us, our kids are the apple of our eye, our pride and joy - and how we feel about them doesn’t change as they become adults and maybe go on to have families of their own. Our own personal relationships may come and go -...

Forrest Gump and the Lasting Power of Attorney

Susan Howarth
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If you’ve seen the film, you’ll know the words: "Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get". How true that is - good or bad, none of us really know what’s around the corner. We...

Too young, busy or broke to write a will? Think again.

Susan Howarth
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Too young, too busy, too broke Regardless of whether you’re one of the Millennial, Generation Z or even Generation X brigade, these are just some of the reasons that over 50%* of people the UK don’t have a will. A staggering 68%* of this...

Why accidents are particularly bad news...

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  …for those without a commercial Lasting Power of Attorney.   “It’ll never happen to me” …and that’s what a lot of us think, but sadly accidents do happen. All the time and often out of the blue....

Tackle the 3 Ds this New Year; Divorce, Dementia & Death

Susan Howarth
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It’s that time of year again. January - the month named after Janus, the god of beginnings and transitions, and a time generally associated with rebirth, renewal and resolutions. And as we reflect on the previous 12 months, our attention turns to how...

Last Christmas I gave you my heart...

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...this year, I'm giving you my will! OK, so it doesn’t roll off the tongue in the same way as the Wham! classic (at all!) and it might sound a bit gloomy, but take a moment and think about it. It’s the thought that counts That’s...

2016: The Year of the Legal Apprenticeship

Susan Howarth
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In years to come, we could be looking back on 2016 as a landmark moment, the year the legal sector’s recruitment landscape changed.   The traditional route to law Historically, if you wanted to become a solicitor, the traditional route...

McKenzie Friends - Friend or Foe?

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Consider this: you need to go to court for custody of your children following the breakdown of your marriage; you aren’t eligible for legal aid but nor can you afford a solicitor …what are your options? Well, you can either represent...

Lasting Powers of Attorney

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If you haven’t made your Lasting Power of Attorney yet, now is the ideal time to do so.  We can help you prepare Lasting Powers of Attorney, both in relation to Property & Financial Affairs and Health & Welfare.  By putting these in...