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Your simple guide to a stress-free House Move

Lisa Harding
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Considering a winter house move? Or new year, new house perhaps? It’s widely known that putting your property on the market at the beginning of the year can attract high levels of interest and help you get a head start on the competition. And with...

Solicitors: 5 top tips on picking the right one

Susan Howarth
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The good times and the bad times Life is a funny old business, full of ups and downs and with many a curveball thrown in when you least expect it. You might be planning your wedding, buying your dream home or making a will to provide for your children....

Brexit: past, present and future of the housing market

Lisa Harding
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Media Madness We live in crazy times. Almost 3 years after the country voted to leave the EU, the Brexit process continues to drag on and with no deal on the table, emotions are running high across the nation: anger, embarrassment, frustration,...

Housing crisis continues to hit first-time buyers

Susan Howarth
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4 out of 10 young adults still can’t afford to buy a house New research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has shown that  4 out of 10 young people  cannot afford to buy one of the cheapest homes in their area with a 10% deposit, let...

Property for first-time buyers - in like a lion, out like a lamb?

Lisa Harding
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March is notorious for being a changeable month in terms of the weather, with the phrase ‘in like a lion, out like a lamb’ describing the stormy start of the month we often see, and the subsequent calming as we enter April. And then we have a...

2016: The Year of the Legal Apprenticeship

Susan Howarth
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In years to come, we could be looking back on 2016 as a landmark moment, the year the legal sector’s recruitment landscape changed.   The traditional route to law Historically, if you wanted to become a solicitor, the traditional route...

Stamp Duty in March 2016: in like a lion or out like a lamb?

Susan Howarth
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Bold Action After chancellor George Osborne yesterday pledged to continue taking ‘bold action’ on home ownership, The Law Society Gazette asked the question: could conveyancers be in for more stamp duty shocks when the government plans to...

Higher stamp duty charges from April 1st - are you in the know?

Susan Howarth
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Shock announcement In November 2015, the BBC reported on the curve ball that property investors were thrown in George Osborne’s Autumn Statement : Buy-to-let landlords and people buying second homes will soon have to pay more in stamp duty, the...